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"If more Problems persist, that means Success is coming near too."
-Nas. Almayahi
The Four Major Points
Frequency Modulation is Introduced
- An overview of the different types of covert channels + configurations
-Protocol measures taken with transmission of ultrasonic waves.
-Unidirectional & Bidirectional Principles
-Countermeasures that are inevitable for project use. Also covers how we can learn from attackers' methods in disrupting a pack of data
Data Modulation
-We can explore a way to deliver hidden data (Input) within a human's hearing range.
- Passive and Active Speaker's relations with tele-communication
-Data Packets & Frames, Preamble's significance toward thermal, electromagnetic, and Acoustic channeling
- Covert Capacity Equation = B*log_2( 1+S/N )
-Carrier, Input, Audio, modified frequency in relation to Sine & Cosine
Technical Brief
CPU, RAM, GNU produce heat and thermal ability arose in 2008 with air-gap between two computers
Signal Processing
The elements of protocols
Limit filter signals are used in regulation of frequency potential
Channel Perseverance
Flexibility: IE envirnoments are difficult to manipulate breaches and invasive techniques
Low Frequencies: modulate data based on pitch of the augmented output
Close Frequencies: focus more on speed of the periods (Sine and Cosine graph measures)
The Embedded Systems Research Project
Nassir Almayahi, ELEG. BEE