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You may think that it all starts here... in a small bedroom that bears mad-scientist compatibilities... but the preliminary aspects began since this adolescent's birth

A Synopsis Of Nas' Parents

                    It is forgotten that many gifted people had to go through a "Hades-like" chapter of their life, usually from childhood. It connects to the purpose of engineering shed through a unique series of Nas' experiences. The 20th-21st Century was the age where most technological pieces began booming, and you could nickname newborn Nas- Mr. Chiraqi in a neutral way.

His married parents introduced a rare interracial relationship where his mother is from Chicago, IL, and his father from Basra, Iraq. It was one cold day when Nas' mother was searching for a leather coat in a leather store that was unknowingly owned by his father in Memphis, TN during 2001 at that time- which eventually lead to marriage. With his father doing radar engineering type work on an Iraqi naval vessel and freedom fighting against Saddam Hussain, it sparked President Bill Clinton to invite his father to America with a group of refugees in the late 1990s.

Nas' mother studied anesthesiology/ RN nursing in a private institution after having moved from Chicago,IL to Marshall, TX in a specific time-frame, but later decided to assist with product management utilizing her organizational assistance with Hi-tech modules instead when she migrated to Tennessee for much better work opportunities and more capabilities of being a housewife at times- one workplace being recruited to FEDEX Headquarters.


His father and mother together one day, when Nas was four years old, shed a focus that he remembers:

"Son, as your family overseas has already blessed you as the golden child, they'd like for you to take the footsteps of all your successful uncles...let the red light turn green, as you dominate helping the world one day..."

It is notable that Nas came from an Engineering bloodline, and his parents introduced him to Lego, Knex, Scientific concepts/projects, and more precisely as he showed more interest as he grew older and older.

Two Colors Describe Nas' Fluctuating Life Phases:

Gold & Black

                        Nassir had an advantaged sum of reputatious qualities that he worked with in his adolescence stages, but It's not the kind of advantage that is automatically presumed with financial or 'majority' boosters, rather two gifts given to him from God: Willpower and Beauty with creativity. You may say, " Doesn't that exactly correlate with CEO potential?", more on that later. The world's algorithm (processes) prepped Nas' contributions in awareness to societal complexities like victimizing experiences with bullying, going through the "fire" at times, and even hardships throughout his family. This presented the inevitability of his success, and as we continue through his descriptive gallery, every event from this engineer's early life has multiple meanings.

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